2014年8月3日 星期日



  • 談到自殺、光榮死亡的方法。
  • 直接表達尋死念頭,我希望能死去,我要死了。
  • 表示死了也沒人在乎
  • 不再與人來往
  • 對於所喜愛的東西不再關心
  • 在長期悲傷沮喪之後突然間恢復正常,這是危險的訊號,因為可能因為死期將至,反而看破釋懷。
  • 不重視外表或個人衛生
  • 因為感覺要做出傷害自己及其工作的事而生氣,但卻不在乎。
  • 公開談論他覺得有失控的情形。
  • 突然間行為改變,例如出現敵意、譴責某事、好辯、不服從或表現悲觀消極、覺得自己是一個失敗者、無助。
  • 對於如何自殺產生高度興趣。
  • 表示他感覺糟透了,但卻無法解決問題。
  • 要別的同事看好他的槍枝武器。
  • 沒事會玩弄、展示其槍枝。
  • 表現出魯莽的行為、工作時會表現出沒必要的玩命式的衝勁,好像活得不耐煩。
  • 帶著槍卻毫不考慮槍枝安全。
  • 工作表現下降。
  • 最近出現酗酒或藥物濫用情形。

Source: http://exclusive.multibriefs.com/content/silent-suffering-preventing-law-enforcement-suicide/law-enforcement-defense-security

Silent suffering: Preventing law enforcement suicide

Mark Bond Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Preventing police suicide is every officer's responsibility. The law enforcement profession can no longer ignore the silent suffering.
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is real and is a lot more common among first responders than initial indications. However, the silence of the first responder culture has kept the problems associated with PTSD as a profession secret not openly discussed.
A 2013 study by Andrew F. O'Hara et al in the International Journal of Emergency Mental Health and Human Resilience showed that in police culture, suicide is not openly discussed because police officers view suicide as dishonorable to the profession. Additional research on PTSD has linked the increase of suicidal behavior to those who suffer from PTSD. Officers suffering from PTSD are at a higher risk of suicidal ideation.
The O'Hara study focused on police suicides for the years 2008, 2009 and 2012. Here are some of the statistical data from their study.
  • 2008 police suicides: 141
  • 2009 police suicides: 143
  • 2012 police suicides: 126
Profile of police suicides in the study:
  • The average age of officers in 2012 was 42 at time of suicide
  • The average time on job as a police officer at the time of suicide was 16 years of service
  • 91 percent of suicides were by male officers
  • The age in which police officers were most at risk was 40 to 44
  • The time on the job when police officers are most at risk was 15 to 19 years of service
  • 63 percent of police suicide victims were single
  • 11 percent of police suicide victims were military veterans
  • Firearms were used in 91.5 percent of police suicides
  • 83 percent of the police officers had personal problems prior to the suicide
  • 11 percent of the police officers committing suicide had legal problems pending
  • California and New York had the highest reported police suicides
The O'Hara study has provided some key indicators from the statistical data. By analyzing the study, law enforcement agencies can build a police officer suicide prevention program by establishing a profile of potential at-risk officers and intervene with proactive mental health intervention and department support.
Mark H. Chae and Douglas J. Boyle have researched critical warning signs that a police officer is having suicidal ideations. By recognizing these signs combined with the statistical data in the O'Hara study, law enforcement has the research evidence necessary to develop a proactive suicide prevention program that can make a difference.
Some warning signs are if the officer ...  員警自殺徵兆
  • is talking about suicide or death, and even glorifying death.  談到自殺、光榮死亡的方法。
  • is giving direct verbal cues, such as "I wish I were dead," and "I am going to end it all."  直接表達尋死念頭,我希望能死去,我要死了。
  • is giving less direct verbal cues, such as "What's the point of living?", "Soon you won't have to worry about me" and "Who cares if I'm dead, anyway?"  表示死了也沒人在乎
  • is now self-isolating from friends and family.  不與人來往
  • is expressing the belief that life is meaningless or hopeless.  表示生命毫無意義
  • starts giving away cherished possessions.  對於所喜愛的東西不再關心
  • is exhibiting a sudden and unexplained improvement in mood after being depressed or withdrawn. This is a dangerous sign because the officer has come to terms with his/her own death and is relieved the end is near.  在長期悲傷沮喪之後突然間恢復正常,這是危險的訊號,因為可能因為死期將至,反而看破釋懷。
  • is neglecting his or her appearance and hygiene.  不重視外表或個人衛生
  • is annoyed that he/she is going to do something that will ruin his/her career, but doesn't care. 因為感覺要做出傷害自己及其工作的事而生氣,但卻不在乎。
  • is openly discussing that he/she feels out of control. 公開談論他覺得有失控的情形。
  • displays behavior changes that include appearing hostile, blaming, argumentative and insubordinate or appear passive, defeated and hopeless.突然間行為改變,例如出現敵意、譴責某事、好辯、不服從或表現悲觀消極、覺得自己是一個失敗者、無助。
  • develops a morbid interest in suicide or homicide.  對於如何自殺產生高度興趣。
  • indicates that he/she is feeling overwhelmed and cannot find solutions to his/her problems.  表示他感覺糟透了,但卻無法解決問題。
  • is asking another officer to keep his/her weapon.  要別的同事看好他的槍枝武器。
  • is out of character by inappropriately use or displaying a weapon unnecessarily.  沒事會玩弄、展示其槍枝。
  • exhibits reckless behavior; taking unnecessary risks on the job and/or in his/her personal life. The officer acting like he/she has a death wish.  表現出魯莽的行為、工作時會表現出沒必要的玩命式的衝勁,好像活得不耐煩。
  • is carrying weapons in a reckless unsafe manner.  帶著槍卻毫不考慮槍枝安全。
  • exhibits deteriorating job performance.  工作表現下降。
  • has recent issues with alcohol and/or drugs.  最近出現酗酒或藥物濫用情形。
Preventing police suicide is every officer's responsibility and obligation as a member of the law enforcement profession. Having the leadership and courage to change a culture of silence does not weaken the profession but strengthens the bonds that make it noble and honorable profession that protects the weak and innocent from harm.
The ethical warrior leads by example and supports others when they are down, and that includes their own.
Here are two additional resources on preventing police suicide:

  • The Badge of Life
  • Police Suicide Prevention and Awareness

