2014年8月3日 星期日




Active frontages
Objective: To create active frontages, ‘territoriality passive' surveillance
Active frontages
Streets should be designed to maximise the frequency of active frontages. These contribute to a lively and (where appropriate) economically viable street scene. They also help to deter crime and the fear of crime through ‘natural surveillance’ of the public realm.
More guidance on safety considerations can be found in the safety module.

Objective:  To ensure access for all
Where feasible, buildings and public open space should be accessible for everyone.  This means incorporating Lifetime Homes standards, Wheelchair Access Guidance and Part M of the Building Regulations.
Accessibility considerations must be integrated into a development scheme from the outset.

Did you know?
The Centre for Accessible Environments (CAE) is a registered charity, providing information and advice on inclusive design and access to the built environment for disabled and older people. For more information visit: www.cae.org.uk.

Did you know?
A design and access statement must set out how issues such as access for people with disabilities have been addressed in the scheme, ensuring there is a greater understanding of what is being planned and what the final development might look like.

