2014年8月3日 星期日


全文翻譯:Raymond Lee (海天)    2014/08/02

2011年11月,一名俄亥俄州女子在瓦 斯爆炸後入院治療,該爆炸摧毀了兩棟建築。 此一爆炸導因於田納西州天然氣管道破裂。 居民在12英里外還能感覺並聽到爆炸。 根據2010年9月CBS新聞報導,天然氣管道爆炸並不罕見,“幾乎每隔一天就會發生爆炸案,造成數百萬美元的財產損失,每年都有幾人因此死亡。 “如果你在瓦斯爆炸中受傷,經驗豐富的華盛頓特區人身傷害律師可以協助你判斷是否有理由申請人身傷害訴訟,尋求你的傷害補償。

根據哥倫比亞廣播公司報導,每年平均有155件與天然氣輸送管道相關的事件發生,從下方之美國交通部管道和危險材料安全管理局(PHMSA)資料顯示, 在2009年,有:


氣爆可能在使用熱水器等常用電器和可能使用天然氣的範圍之工作場所和家中發生。 2011年5月,華盛頓特區有兩戶人家在幾天之內相繼被天然氣爆炸給摧毀了,至少兩人重傷送醫住院,導致近90萬美元的財產損失。


  1. 使用標記警告埋管之處,並查看沿管道路線旁開挖的痕跡。
  2. 定期檢查管道是否有洩漏、腐蝕或損壞情形。
  3. 安裝甲烷檢測器。
  4. 監測管線壓力。
  5. 進行閥門檢查和洩漏調查。
  1. 由專業人士保養維護瓦斯設備,並做定期檢查。
  2. 在家中或辦公室安裝天然氣偵測器。
  3. 定期測試偵測器及檢查電池性能。
  4. 在瓦斯容易聚集之處(如地下室)安裝偵測器,並讓人們可以聽到警報聲。

雖然天然氣本身沒有氣味,但天然氣公司都會添加警告味道,以便人們可以聞到煤氣洩漏。 如果你在家裡或辦公室聞到天然氣味道,或聽見瓦斯偵測器警報聲:

  1. 立即離開大樓
  2. 不要開燈,也不要使用屋內電話打給119或作出任何可能引起火花的事情。
  3. 除非得到天然氣公司許可,不要重入屋內。
無論人們如何努力與天然氣和平共存、仍然可能發生安全事故。 如果你是瓦斯爆炸的受害者,你可以請求損害受傷賠償。 請找尋合格的華盛頓特區人身傷害律師以瞭解你的合法權益。

Preventing Gas Explosions

Source: http://www.koonz.com/preventing-gas-explosions

Posted on December 21, 2011 at 10:04am by Koonz, McKenney, Johnson, DePaolis & Lightfoot, L.L.P.

In November, an Ohio woman was hospitalized following a gas explosion that destroyed at least two buildings. The explosion was caused by a ruptured gas line owned by Tennessee Gas Pipeline. Residents up to 12 miles away reported feeling and hearing the explosion. According to a CBS News report in September 2010, explosions involving natural gas pipelines are not uncommon, “occurring nearly every other day, and causing millions of dollars in property damage and several deaths each year.” If you were injured in a gas explosion, an experienced Washington DC personal injury attorney can determine whether you have grounds for filing a personal injury lawsuit to seek compensation for your injuries.

Dangers of Gas Explosions
According to the CBS News report, an average of 155 incidents related to natural gas distribution pipelines occur each year, as shown by data from the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA). In 2009 alone, there were:
  • 158 incidents reported to the PHMSA involving distribution pipelines, causing
  • 10 fatalities
  • 50 injuries
  • Nearly $32 mi
  • llion in property damage
Gas explosions can also occur in the workplace and home, where common appliances like water heaters and ranges may use natural gas. In May, two homes were destroyed by natural gas explosions within days of each other in the DC area, sending at least two people to the hospital with serious injuries and causing nearly $900,000 in property damage.

Preventing Gas Explosions
To prevent gas explosions involving pipelines, companies should:
  • Use markers to warn people of buried pipe and watch for signs of digging along the pipeline route
  • Regularly check the pipelines for leaks, corrosion or damage
  • Install methane detectors
  • Monitor pressure in the lines
  • Conduct valve checks and leak surveys
To prevent gas explosions at home and in the workplace, consumers and businesses can:
  • Maintain gas appliances and have them checked regularly by professionals
  • Install a natural gas detector in a home or office
  • Regularly test detectors and check their batteries
  • Install detectors where gas is likely to accumulate (like a basement) and where people will be able to hear the alarm

When a Gas Leak Is Detected
Although natural gas itself has no odor, gas companies add a warning scent to it, so people can smell a gas leak. If you smell natural gas in your home or office or a gas detector alarm goes off:

  • Leave the building immediately
  • Do not turn on lights, use an inside phone to call 9-1-1 or do anything else that might cause a spark
  • Do not re-enter the building until given the all-clear by the gas company

No matter how safe we try to be with natural gas, accidents can still happen. If you are the victim of a gas explosion, you may be entitled to compensation for your injuries. Contact a qualified Washington DC personal injury lawyer today to learn about your legal rights.

