2014年8月3日 星期日

“car hopping” 跳車竊盜

根據 Sidell 警察局資料顯示,暑假期間汽車竊盜發生率上升了99.9%,原因是人們忘記關車門。嫌犯大多為青少年,他們稱這是 “car hopping” 跳車竊盜。



With summer here, vehicle burglaries are on the rise. 99.9% of all vehicle burglaries are due to people leaving their doors unlocked. Most of the people we arrest for these burglaries are teenagers. The teens call this crime “car hopping”. Car hopping is when 2 or more teenagers walk through a neighborhood and pull door handles on cars. If they are unlocked, they go inside and take anything of value…if the doors are locked, they move on to the next car.

This type of crime is normally occurring late at night or during the early morning hours when it is dark outside. As fast as we can catch these burglars and put them in jail, new groups form. Please be vigilant and LOCK YOUR DOORS! Call the Slidell Police Department if you observe any suspicious activity such as people walking down your street late at night and/or unrecognized vehicles driving slowly through your neighborhood.

What is the Slidell Police Department doing to combat this? We have extra patrols your local neighborhood late at night and undercover officers doing surveillance in certain areas. So far, several burglars have been caught, and we plan on catching more if this trend continues. We ask for your assistance by simply locking your doors!

