2014年9月3日 星期三


是因為微笑開超速罰單嗎? 令人驚訝的是,一名洛杉磯交警在過去20年居然從未接過民眾的抱怨申訴。一名駕駛說:「這輩子從沒有這麼高興被人開罰單過」。他開罰單的秘訣到底是什麼?

州警 Elton Simmons的長官表示,在他過去20年擔任洛杉磯縣警員期間攔查了超過25,000件交通違規。但令人嘖嘖稱奇的是,清查過去20年的抱怨申訴案件,他被人申訴的紀錄居然是零。
Simmons和藹可親的取締規方式讓駕駛覺得受到愛和關懷,有些人還因為他們的盧莽沒耐性向這位員警道歉。「他不受申訴的秘訣什麼? 就是他微笑的魔力」,被開單的司機 Mike Viera CBS新聞記者表示。「他的微笑很動人,他是一個好人,我怎麼可能生這樣一個好人的氣?」,「這輩子我被人開單從未這麼愉快過」,另一個司機呼應的說。
Simmon 的長官Maxwell表示,希望避免遭到抱怨申訴的員警可以從Simmons身上學習,員警們一般的藉口是,「對啊!,我整天開單,所以我一定會被人申訴」,MaxwellCBS新聞記者說,「不一定是這樣的」,其實還是有辦法可以避免遭到抱怨申訴,而 Elton Simmons的告發風格就是答案。


A speeding ticket with a smile? Los Angeles traffic cop astonishes superiors with ZERO complaints in 20 years 
‘Never been so happy to get a ticket in my life’ says one motorist. What’s his secret?
Monday, September 24, 2012, 9:16 AM

LA Sheriff's Deputy Elton Simmons defies probability in going 25,000 traffic stops without receiving any complaints to his record. 

CBS LA Sheriff's Deputy Elton Simmons defies probability in going 25,000 traffic stops without receiving any complaints to his record. 

CBS LA Sheriff's Deputy Elton Simmons defies probability in going 25,000 traffic stops without receiving any complaints to his record.
Elton Simmons has conducted more than 25,000 traffic stops in the past 20 years as a Los Angeles County Sheriff’s deputy. But what’s remarkable, his supervisors say, is counting all of the complaints lodged against him over those two decades.
The tally: Zero. The last time 53-year-old Simmons received a complaint was in 1992, according to the Los Angeles Times.
The lack of grievances seems practically unheard of for a law enforcement officer who deals daily with the public, handing out tickets in situations that can escalate into heated exchanges.
With no complaints marring Simmons’ record for so long, “Vegas or MIT could not give you the odds of the statistical probability of that,” Capt. Pat Maxwell, who reviewed his personnel file recently, told CBS News on Friday.



LA Sheriff's Deputy Elton Simmons

Simmons spends his hours patroling on a motorcycle with a radar gun — akin to the 70s TV show “CHiPs.” While he doesn’t shirk writing tickets, he said, he follows a golden rule learned from a pastor in his native Louisiana: “Do good, be good, treat people good.”
“I’m here with you,” Simmons told CBS News about the citizens he comes across. “I’m not up here. One thing I hate is to be looked down on — I can’t stand it — so I’m not going to look down at you.”
Simmons’ affable approach appears to endear him with motorists, some of whom end up apologizing for their lack of care.
“You know what it is, it’s his smile,” ticketed driver Mike Viera told CBS News. “He’s got a great smile. He’s a nice guy. How could you be mad at that guy?”
“Never so happy to get a ticket in my life,” said another driver who was slapped with a summons.



LA Sheriff's Deputy Elton Simmons defies probability in going 25,000 traffic stops without receiving any complaints to his record.

Drivers often trot out excuses when they’re pulled over, ranging from being unfamiliar with the area to racing because they need a bathroom, Simmons said.
In one case, a nervous 19-year-old was stopped for speeding and told the deputy he was late for work.
Simmons gave him a warning, and asked him — in a fatherly way — to slow down, the Los Angeles Times said.
Other cops hoping to avoid complaints can learn a lesson from Simmons, his superiors said.
“Their excuse is, ‘Well, I give tickets all day long, I’m going to get complaints,’” Maxwell told CBS News. “Well, that’s not true. There is a way to do it — and Elton Simmons is the way.”

