印第安那州 Merrillville 警察局員警舒爾茨於星期五(2014/9/5) 被槍擊頭部後因公殉職
根據Merrillville時報報導,24歲的員警Nickolaus Schultz(舒爾茨)在上周五處理公寓事故遭人槍擊頭部送醫後,已於周日移除醫療維生設備正式宣告不治。舒爾茨僅在Merrillville警察局服務13個月,目前警方仍在調查此事。
槍手是33歲的邁克爾Michael Hrnciar當時他身上穿著防彈衣。他在開槍射殺舒爾茨後舉槍自盡。
印第安那州西北部主要打擊犯罪專勤隊發言人鮑勃伯德(Bob Byrd)表示:「警方正在調查為何槍手覺得必須與員警衝突並射殺他,並了解如何發現此種衝突的徵候指標以防止未來發生這種冷血殺戮」。
MERRILLVILLE, Ind. — An Indiana officer shot in the head Friday has died.
According to The Merrillville Times, 24-year-old Officer Nickolaus Schultz was removed from life support Sunday after being shot in the head Friday during a confrontation at a condominium.
Schultz was shot after responding to calls of a man who had returned to his former home following an eviction.
The gunman, 33-year-old Michael Hrnciar, was wearing body armor at the time of the incident. He died on the scene from a self-inflicted gunshot wound after shooting Schultz.
Schultz had been with the Merrillville Police Department for 13 months, according to the report.
Police are still investigating the incident.
"We're looking into what brought this man to this point where he felt he had to engage in a deadly conflict with police, and how do we learn from that and what were the indicators that might have prevented these senseless deaths," Northwest Indiana Major Crimes Task Force spokesman Bob Byrd said.