2014年8月3日 星期日


據丹佛郵報報導,丹佛警方在一手機視頻上網之後造成轟動後調查一場棒球場中一名22歲年輕人 Buck與下班在該棒球場兼差當警衛的該局員警 Balck 起爭執之案件。該案起因於Black 懷疑 Buck 未成年飲酒,並將他戴上手銬,警察人員使用武力是否有過當嫌疑。

Buck 經 員警 Black 多次指示坐下來,但拒絕坐下來,Black隨後將他上手銬。Black 當時正在下班兼差當棒球場警衛。丹佛警察局長羅伯特 · 懷正特政密切監控調查此一事件。巴克告訴丹佛郵報,他並未遭到逮捕,但被逐出棒球場。

在影片中,Black 連續三次請 Buck 坐下,但 Buck 拒絕,於是 Black 挑釁式的用手推 Buck坐下,並將他上手銬,此種行為將因使用不當與過度武力遭到懲處。


July 25, 2014

Video: Off-duty cop, man tussle at Rockies game
Police are investigating an officer’s use of force after cell phone video of a confrontation at a baseball game went viral

By PoliceOne Staff
DENVER — Police are investigating an officer’s use of force after cell phone video of a confrontation at a baseball game went viral.
According to the Denver Post, police Captain Joe Black placed 22-year-old Alex Buck in handcuffs after an altercation captured on video at Coors Field during a Colorado Rockies game.
Officials declined to comment on what led to the incident, but a Facebook post with a summary of the video claims police approached the group, including Buck, after suspecting them of underage drinking. The video begins mid-conversation between Buck and Black.

Buck is instructed to sit down multiple times and fails to do so before he is shoved by Black and then put in handcuffs.
Black was working as off-duty security when the incident occurred, according to the report.
The Denver Police Department sent out multiple tweets regarding the incident, saying Police Chief Robert White is “closely monitoring the investigation.”
Buck told the Denver Post he was not arrested or charged in the incident, but was ejected from the ball park.

