2014年8月3日 星期日


位於維吉尼亞州 Richmond 的 Festival Park 節慶公園係專為殉職員警Nina Friedman Abady所設立,該處豎立該名員警雕像,雕像顯示其正在拯救小孩。此雕像是由警察紀念基金會所設立。雕像上的這名小孩少了一隻鞋,手上抱著熊熊布偶。

雕像前的銅牌上記載著在1869-2003 年殉職的28位員警事蹟:"我們Richmond 的人民感念員警犧牲奉獻,在此處因公殉職的員警姓名被永遠追思,以表揚其執勤因公殉職之犧牲"。



WHAT: Police Memorial statue in downtown Richmond’s Festival Park, a park dedicated to the memory of Nina Friedman Abady.
LOCATION: 500 block of North 6th Street in park at 6th Street Marketplace, southeast of the Richmond Coliseum.
ARTIST: Maria Kirby-Smith.
DEDICATION: May 16, 1987.
DESCRIPTION: An 8 1/2 foot standing bronze figure of a police officer shown rescuing a child. This statue is a memorial to all Richmond police who have been killed in the line of duty and was erected by the Police Memorial Fund. The officer is walking down steps carrying a child in his arm. The child is minus a shoe is holding a bear in her right hand. The statue stands on a 1 1/2 foot granite pedestal. A memorial plaque is located approximately 10 foot to the south. It includes the names of 28 officers between the years of 1869-2003.
“We the people of Richmond present this memorial in recognition of police officers who afford us their protection. Those officers named here are remembered particularly for making the supreme sacrifice by giving their lives in the line of duty.”

